Cite des deux Mers Nador, Morocco
@ 24H-architecture

creative ownership:
Maartje Lammers & Boris Zeisser
3 resorts
Marchicamed is little sea just outside Nador and in open connection with the Mediterranean Sea, their waters separated by a thin line of sandy dunes and beaches. Here and there with beautiful brown coloured reef stuck through the sand. The inner lake is a sanctuary for Flamingos and Cormoran birds. Pristine and stunning! We explain to the clients that we feel we need to see and experience the site, in order to give an opinion, for we get our inspiration from local ingredients.
We start our design process with a team consisting of 24H, James Craig from CCI landscape architecture and sustainable energy engineer Rabih el Fadel from ZEF concepts in our team. The strategy we develop for the site is to enhance the intrinsic quality that we find. The cordon over 12 kilometers from Beni Ensar until the passage in the cordon is developed into an environmental park for the local community, with a visitors centre, education and several bird observatories.